Thursday, June 9, 2011

Life pretty much stinks without this guy

Husband is gone today and for the rest of the weekend.  Actually, I'll be gone this weekend, too, but I don't leave till tomorrow morning.  So that means I have one day and one lonely night in the house allll by myself.  Dang, I miss this guy already!

We endured long distance for much of our pre-marriage relationship and it never was easy being apart.  I HATE when he's gone, and not just because I get embarrassingly scared being home alone at night.  I look back on those long distance days and I seriously don't know how we did that for so many years.  So I guess I can suck it up for one day in the house without him.

Husband, you are my sunshine.  Be safe, and hurry home!  Life is just no fun without you!


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